duminică, 29 ianuarie 2012

Coming to light

Hello there! I'm Julie, i'm 17, and i could tell you a ton about me. I like to talk. Bake. Write. Smile. Read. But that's not what my blog is about. My blog will be about RUNNING.
I started running a couple of months ago, because...well, because i've always been sporty, and eager to try new things. I didn't like it at the beginning, but then i started enjoying it. A lot. So last week, i decided it was time to look for a short race, in order to see what i'm really made of. Ironically, the only one i did find in my town was a MARATHON. That's right. I laughed, and said no thanks. But you see, the thing about me is that my pride is huge. So when i told a friend about this race and the fact that i wasn't going to do it and she laughed at me, i didn't give it a second thought and i signed in. And the thing is, i'm really happy about it now. Because i love to see my limits.
So what will this blog be about? My traing plan, balancing it with school family, friends...whatever else happens in a teenager's life. And, hopefully, it will be about how good i did at my first marathon. But we'll see about that.

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